Mission Moment 5.12.24

Lavonia Winford
Active Duty Air Force Chaplain; Installation Chaplain; Pituffik Space Base, Greenland

This piece is a reflection on the influence and power of women, most notably, Eve as an Ezer*—a helper; women in the genealogy of Jesus as listed in Matthew [Tamar (Matthew 1:3); Rahab (1:5); Ruth (1:5); and the wife of Uriah the Hittite (1:6)]; and the unnamed women who influenced countless generations of prophets. The power of a woman’s influence is reflected in this tribute and poem of thanksgiving to the women who influenced my life. 

To: My Momma, Momma Green (adopted grandmother), Granny (maternal grandmother), Cousin Elsie (paternal matriarch), Granny Scott (family friend), Miz Granny (elder I met along the way), and all the women who have poured into me along the journey. At the time of this writing, all of these listed, except for my mom, reside in my great cloud of witnesses.

Thank you from a mother-ed child.

El Shaddai, another name for God, means the breasted one, the nurturer. How grateful I am for every breast that has nurtured me.

You held me in your arms physically and figuratively, rocking and sheltering me from a world designed to harm me (or to not let me be me). Your words and ways to live by have nurtured and sustained my soul. Your love fed my heart and paved the way to make me whole. You are still my help in the time of the storm, the soft space I run to when I fall, the strong force that pushes and prods me along, the hard (stern) face that allows me to do no harm. Healer, helper, friend, a momma, this girl’s deepest friend.

Thank you for loving me the best way you knew how, for giving me the best parts of you, the parts flawed, time-tested and true. The parts of your heart given to me; the help as I struggle in learning how to be. Perfection did not know your name, yet in your love I perfectly remain.

The God in you built up the God in me. You hold me up when I falter and fumble; you help me to navigate paths (this journey or world) full of danger. Healer, helper, friend, a momma, this girl’s deepest friend.

I lean into your grace as I run my race thankful that a part of you is reflected in my face. Though all of your life was NOT wonderful, because of you I am a wonder to behold. A mother-ed child.

Thank you, from a mother-ed child. Healer, lover, friend, a momma, this girl’s deepest friend.
