Joe's Window

By Dr. Joe Yelton
Interim Pastor

What’s in a name? Well, as it turns out, a lot ... a whole lot. Beyond the obvious benefits of name recognition during conversations, names also become identifiers. In Biblical times, Hebrew men were often given names in adulthood that described their personality or ethic. For instance, Barnabas literally means, son of encouragement. Man, what a great name! (Don’t we wonder if some men were labeled “Grumpy?”) 

If I think too long about being given a name in adulthood that describes how others see me, I turn away. What name would I have earned among those who know me best? Yikes! 

This afternoon I had a wonderful time visiting some of our people at Skyland Nursing Center. As I prepared to leave, I remembered a person who had been most dear to me during my pastorate at Cullowhee. Would he still be at Skyland after all these years? I didn’t know so, I asked. He was. 

I returned to the floor and found his room. Walking in and seeing him for the first time in twenty-seven years, I hesitated. He was a frail image of the man he used to be. But then ... then ... all doubt was removed, and time disappeared as he shouted, “Joe Yelton.” My heart leapt and my soul smiled. He called my name. He remembered me. And we sat and remembered together the richness of our friendship years ago and, our reclaimed friendship today. 

Some years ago, I was visiting an African American congregation in Brooklyn, New York. The people were so kind, and the pastor was amazing. Beyond that, do you know that the one thing I remember most about that wonderful Sunday morning was something he said at the close of the service. Though I can’t duplicate it, I can gather his meaning: “Never forget, God knows your name. He’s never forgotten it, and He never will. God knew you before you had a name. And even better, if you’ve fouled up your name along the way, God is ready to give you a brand new name, whether others use it or not. At least you’ll know that God knows your name. And one day you’ll hear Him set aside your name as God calls you, “Child.” Enough said!