Joe's Window

By Dr. Joe Yelton
Interim Pastor

Nothing exists in a void. Fill a glass with water, the substance and composition of fluid consumes the space within the vessel. Now, pour the water out. What now fills the glass?  Air.  

The laws of the physical universe have their counterparts within our spiritual beings. To make room within yourself for something new, something else must be vacated.

Entering the holy season of Lent, we are to inspect our lives and determine why we live them as we do. Further, what are the places within your life that slow you, or worse, decrease your meaning. NOTHING LIVES IN A VOID.  Where the unproductive and negative are abandoned, embrace the spiritual practices of scripture reading, meditation, and service to others.

    Essentially, this is the work of the next six weeks within our church. This is the work of Lent. We not only march toward Easter, we do the hard work of shedding the debris of our lives. Then, the harder work begins of instilling faith practices that draw us nearer to our holy God.

    Do the work! It’s good work. If you seek the face of God, and determine what needs to be released and, what needs to be taken up within your life, you will find yourself in the midst of the most extraordinary Easter… Ever!