Mission Moment 8.25.21

Cindy and Eddy Ruble | Malaysia

Aug. 25 - Cindy and Eddy Ruble.jpg

Cindy and Eddy Ruble serve in Malaysia, partnering locally and globally to transform systems of oppression, build capacity with partners, bring relief to vulnerable populations in the wake of disaster and empower young people through higher education.

Cindy works as an advocate for women and children. She has spent many years working to aid and empower the survivors of human trafficking. After successfully setting up a shelter with a local partner, Cindy has turned her focus to creating safer communities for women and children. Cindy and Eddy believe that together we can make the world a safer, kinder and more just world for both genders.

Eddy is CBF’s International Disaster Response coordinator. Building on experience gained from responding to the Asian tsunami in 2004, he continued working in disaster relief in other regions of Asia. Eddy works collaboratively with donor partners, conventions and national Baptists as they respond to disasters around the world.  CBF directs aid and assistance to the poorest and most marginalized communities to help them survive the immediate crisis of a disaster, with a focus on long-term transformational development.

Learn more at www.cbf.net/ruble.