A Time to Walk


Let’s get out and walk! WMU invites you to participate in a 4-week walking challenge, July 5 through August 1. Go online (https://faithfulfamilies.com/virtual-walking-challenge-2021/) to join this national effort—the Faithful Families Walking Challenge. The challenge is free and open to everyone, children included. They can register by contacting Cheryl Beck at cabeck@ncsu.edu.

It’s easy! You just track your walking time and receive 1 point for every 10 minutes of walking. You’ll receive weekly newsletters and be eligible for prizes. In addition, WMU will sponsor a group walk once a week (time to be announced) where you can connect with friends for a time of exercise and fellowship.  

So, lace up your walking shoes and let’s get walking!

(Watch for other wellness opportunities to be offered by WMU in the coming months.)

—Cheryl Beck, WMU Director