Caregiver Appreciation Month

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Caregiver Appreciation Month

WMU has declared April as "Caregiver Appreciation Month". Check out the bulletin board outside the Choir Room proclaiming that "Caregivers Show His Love". Nell Cummins and Mary Anne Roos designed the attractive display. Goody bags with some handmade items and inspirational books supplied by the Area Agency on Aging are being delivered to caregivers in our congregation.

We recognize that caring for a loved one’s needs changes the caregiver's life and that most of us will be caregivers at one point in our lives. WMU is planning a speical event on Wednesday, April 28th at 6:00 PM in the church sanctuary. "Juggling the Balancing Act, Caregiving Affects Everyone" will be presented by Kellie Dula and Jeanne Mathews from the Southwestern Commission Area Agency on Aging. They will be talking about who is a caregiver, aspects of caregiving, and how to juggle and balance all that is involved.

We hope you will make plans to attend and discover ways you can lead a more balanced life as a caregiver and ways you can help the caregivers in your life. Take some time this month to say "thank you" to those who serve their loved ones and the Lord from home.