Missions Moment 3-31-21

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Mira and Sasha Zivanov serve among the immigrant community in and around St. Louis, Missouri, predominantly working with refugees from the former Yugoslavia, which includes the countries of Bosnia, Serbia and Croatia.
Originally from Yugoslavia, Mira and Sasha are uniquely able to minister to this population that comes to St. Louis with next to nothing. Partnering with Kirkwood Baptist Church, a CBF partner congregation, and other local churches, the Zivanovs seek to provide outreach ministries that meet the needs of refugee families that have lost much to years of violence, conflict and hardship, but have arrived in the United States with hope.
The Zivanovs cultivate beloved community through a weekly food pantry. They bear witness to Jesus Christ through friendship and an enduring pastoral presence among Roma and other immigrant families. And they seek transformational development through a tutoring program that leads to changes in the lives of young Roma, other students and their families.