WMU Missions Extravaganza


 2018 Missions Extravaganza

The WMU of North Carolina Missions Extravaganza will be held Friday and Saturday, April 27-28, at Ardmore Baptist Church in Winston-Salem.

This is a wonderful event and opportunity to meet missionaries, choose from a wide variety of break-out sessions that are sure to encourage, challenge, and equip you for the mission field God has placed before you. 

To learn more about Missions Extravaganza, check out this website: http://www.wmunc.org/me2018

A group will be going to this event from First Baptist Sylva. We’d love to have you join us. We have reservations for Friday night in Winston Salem at the Comfort Suites-Hanes Mall. The Registration Fee for both Friday evening and Saturday is $55.00 per person if received by February 1, and $65.00 per person after February 1.

If you would like to go with us, please email Linda Phelps at linda.todd@wku.edu or text or phone Linda at 270.784.2547.