Kentucky Mission Trip


Three ladies went to Kentucky to support “our” missionary, Paula Settle.  Her e-mails had been indicating a stressful several months; the death of a child after a long struggle with cancer; the stress of  teenage foster children; and ending with the withdrawal of her funding from CBF next June.  Paula has worked in Nada, KY, a “pocket of poverty” in the program Together for Hope for 15 years.  (Incidentally, the same programs in Miami and Helena AK have also been defunded, so other missionaries are affected as well.)  “What next?” is her question.  Our church has supported her work through funding, sending teams to work, and this time to support her personally.  She was in need of TLC which we gave her.
Thanks to the WMU groups and the Faith/Grace Sunday School class for helping to make this trip possible; funding the trip as well as sending “goodies” to cheer her.  Keep Paula in your prayers.