Western North Carolina Baptist Fellowship Fall Gathering

Join us for this inter-generational gathering which will focus on intentionally sharing our faith in our daily lives and vocations...."as you go." Rick Jordan of CBFNC will lead us in a large group time which will include a panel of testimonies from a diverse group of Christians sharing their faith in their daily walk. There will also be break-out groups and a time of food, fellowship, and music to close our time together. Cost is $5 per adult (children and youth are free). Free child care provided for ages 3 and under. Adults will enjoy heavy h'ors d'ouvres and there will be free pizza for youth and children. Please pre-register at cbfnc.org/events/upcoming-events-/as-you-go. An offering will be taken to enhance the WNCBF ministry budget (which includes campus ministries at WCU and UNCA.)