We all have the freedom to make plans for our life. We may be thinking about college, families and careers; but we must also have faith and trust in God that our steps will be established according to the plan that God made for us before we were formed in our mother’s womb. When we follow God, we will find our purpose. God instructs us in the path we should follow; but we often desire to control our lives, predicting the outcome. God directs us according to God’s plan and watches to make sure we stay on the right path.
I developed the plan that I thought was right for me. What I learned early in my career is that God was executing God’s plan. While I enjoyed my work and career, my joy was in forming intense relationships with others that were very fulfilling. My spiritual life was intertwined closely with my work life and I needed both every day! Demonstrating care and compassion for others, growing relationships, mentoring, encouraging others offering support and praying for and with others, is much more than a job. A job is also a mission and working for God gives more joy and comfort than ever imagined!
After leaving the workplace, I asked God, “What next?” I became restless, but I prayed and waited. God led me to Welcome House Ministry, then to manage the Welcome House ministry across the Research Triangle, North Carolina Region, and now to volunteer as a CBF Global Services Corps Post-Career Field Representative.
I will follow God and the purpose God designed for me.