Bring your favorite dishes this Sunday, August 25 to Deep Creek Pavilion from 4:00 to 8:00 p.m. Please plan to attend for good food, fellowship & family fun. Please note that parking permits are required for each vehicle and can be purchased at either the kiosk on site or through the website. The cost of a one-day permit is $5. See you there!
August Is Family Fun Month!
Finish off Family Fun Month with a bang with some of these observances for each remaining day of the month:
August 22 is National Burger Day! Grill some up!
August 23 is Hug Your Sweetheart Day!
August 24 is National Peach Pie Day!
August 25: Go to the Church Picnic at Deep Creek!
August 26 is National Dog Day. Pamper your pooch!
August 27 is World “Rock, Paper, Scissors Day”!
August 28 is National Bow Tie Day! What fun!
August 29 is More Herbs, Less Salt Day! Get the family involved in seasoning with herbs.
August 30 is National Toasted Marshmallow Day! Put a marshmallow on a saltine and broil in the oven for a different treat!
August 31 is Eat Outside Day!
Have fun with your family!
Recipes Appreciated!
Each week we include a recipe in the Church Chimes and we hope that you are enjoying reading and trying them. You can add your favorite recipes to the Chimes by sending them to Cheryl Beck at This is an ongoing WMU project.
Thanks for participating!
Send Us Your Prayer List Updates
Add this email address to your contacts list on your devices so that our staff and Pastoral Care Team can learn of your prayer requests as quickly as possible. And yes, you may still contact the church office directly at 828-586-2095 to share your prayer concerns, as well.
Sunday School and Childcare is Available!
Flowers for Sanctuary
If you would like to provide flowers in the sanctuary for Sunday morning services, please contact Gwen Messer at 828-506-8370, or Janice in the church office to be placed on the calendar.
Congregation-Wide Conversation
The Pastor Search Committee is asking our church family to put Sunday, September 15 on our calendars and to make every effort to be in attendance that day. Before we begin taking resumes, we would like to give you one more opportunity to talk about what you want in a pastor and to do so in small intimate groups that are not rushed and are quieter and more private.
So, please plan to attend this important meeting. A sandwich and chips lunch in the MFC following the worship service will be provided by the Kitchen Team and helpers. Following the meal, we will break up into small groups that will be led by members of the Pastor Search Committee. —Ann Melton
Join Us for Worship!
Our worship service will be streamed online at
Summer Picnic (Potluck)
Bring your favorite dishes next Sunday, August 25 to Deep Creek Pavilion from 4:00 to 8:00 p.m. Please plan to attend for good food, fellowship & family fun.
Giving the Jesus Way
United Christian Ministries is in need of: shampoo (prefer 2-in-1 shampoo & conditioner), body wash, deodorant, toothpaste, child diapers (all sizes), cereal, spaghetti sauce and spaghetti noodles. To donate items, please drop them off at UCM’s building at 191 Skyland Drive. Thank you!