Joe's Window 8.14.24
The pastor of my childhood, youth and college years was Dr. Cecil Sherman. He ordained me, and though now with God, he is still a hero in my life. He was a brilliant man yet could speak so plainly. A favorite saying of his is, “Those who don’t worry about numbers ain’t got any.” Though a practitioner of excellent speech, he broke basic English to make a point .... if you don’t understand the dynamics involved in ministering to those surrounding you, you will lose them.
It’s true. When organizations lose touch with the people they are most connected to, they set themselves up for failure. When churches have an unintentional but very real disconnect among themselves, they are on a downward trajectory.
There are many reasons most congregations in our nation are in decline. The reason most often expressed is, “we haven’t gotten our people back from the Covid years.” There is some merit in that, but not much. Most congregations were in decline years before Covid. Covid may have accelerated the pace of decline, but it didn’t create it.
Is our Sylva First Baptist family in peril? Absolutely not! However, if the trajectory isn’t altered, we will be. This is NOT due to an unwillingness to love boldly, or due to some moral failure on our part. The reason for our decline is simple; we’ve allowed ourselves to be lulled into a stupor. We are not asleep, but we are sleepy, and sleepy people have difficulty staying tuned to what’s needed to function at our best.
To that end, may I offer a few ideas that may help us shift our trajectory in the direction of growth and depth. These ideas will take time. However, there’s no time like the present.
We must reaffirm our understanding that we are not trying to make First Baptist larger in population. Our calling is to make our church more and more into the image of our Lord. Doing that will require new sacrifices, and it will pour out new blessings.
We need to do a better job introducing people to our church. You folk love one another better than most churches I know. You are simply too good to keep to yourselves. Spread the word that those who miss us are missing a lot. HOWEVER, we must get ourselves ready for people to return, which leads to number three.
We need to give serious consideration to having a person on site with a focus on students. We have nostalgic memories of when our children’s ministry was overflowing, our youth group was “huge,” and our college student presence was impressive. Celebrate those memories by recalling what you were then doing differently to nurture those realities. They didn’t just happen. Visionary people guided us to provide time, resources, etc. to make those dreams come true. I’m so grateful for each of you who lovingly hold things together now. You are amazing. However, let’s do even more helping our church re-dream the dream.
Finally, invite someone to your home for a meal or dessert and talk it over with them of what needs to happen in our church family to make it more meaningful. But be careful, if you ask, the answer may not be easy to hear. Ask anyway ... after all, “if we don’t worry about numbers, one day, we won’t have any.”
– Joe
Recipes Appreciated!
Each week we include a recipe in the Church Chimes and we hope that you are enjoying reading and trying them. You can add your favorite recipes to the Chimes by sending them to Cheryl Beck at This is an ongoing WMU project.
Thanks for participating!
Congratulations, Strider!
Strider Drum took the reading challenge and read over five books from the Children’s Library this summer! Congratulations! He picked out a neat prize from the prize basket. Keep reading, Strider!
GAs/RAs/Mission Friends to Begin on September 4
Our children in 1st Explorers and the children of the church who aren’t in the after school program have a wonderful opportunity to learn more about the work of missionaries around the world and how they can be missionaries right where they are. The groups will meet on Wednesdays when school is in session from 3:30 to 4:30 p.m.
Sandi Allen will again lead the GAs (Girls in Action) for 2nd through 5th graders. Beverly Duncan-Midgett is in her second year as Mission Friends leader for children kindergarten through 1st grade. Right now, we are without an RA leader.
Good Deeds Scavenger Hunt Was Awesome!
Congregation-Wide Conversation
The Pastor Search Committee is asking our church family to put Sunday, September 15 on our calendars and to make every effort to be in attendance that day. Before we begin taking resumes, we would like to give you one more opportunity to talk about what you want in a pastor and to do so in small intimate groups that are not rushed and are quieter and more private.
So, please plan to attend this important meeting. A sandwich and chips lunch in the MFC following the worship service will be provided by the Kitchen Team and helpers. Following the meal, we will break up into small groups that will be led by members of the Pastor Search Committee. —Ann Melton
Benefit Gospel Singing for Skyland Care Center
To help raise money for a new van
Skyland Care Center's own “Songbirds” will be the opening group for this event. You don’t want to miss it!
Sponsored by: Secure in Him Ministry
Hosted by: Sheila Blackwell
When: Saturday, September 7, 2024 from 6:30 to 9:00 p.m.
Singing Groups Include: Peyton Cathey and New Generation;
His by Grace; The Clarke Kesler Singers; and Isaac’s Well
Place: First Baptist Church of Sylva | Mission and Fellowship Center
Everyone is welcome!
Blessing of the Backpacks Sunday
Continuing a tradition begun last year, children and their backpacks will be prayed over at the start of the new school year, at the August 18 service.
Children, youth, and college students are invited to bring their backpacks that day for a special time of blessing. Please come!
Hurray for Our Nursery Workers of the Week!
Thank you to Carrie Nelson and Beth Moore for their work in the nursery this past Sunday.
You are appreciated!
Next Sunday, Nancy McConnell will be in charge of the nursery.
Thank you, Nancy, for your willingness to help.
We are looking for someone to lead our youngest children in Sunday School. Anyone want to love
on these little ones and share God’s love? Contact Cheryl Beck for more information.