Alternative Christmas Fair

Alternative Christmas Fair
Christmas with a Cause!

Sunday, November 13th
Large Fellowship Hall

The Alternative Christmas Fair allows you to…
•    Honor your loved ones this Christmas season with gifts that transform lives
•    Support local and international ministries and agencies through the purchase of homemade goods or through monetary love offerings
•    Give a gift that is earth-friendly and sustainable
Participants include UCM, Full Spectrum Farms, Circles of Hope, HIGHTS, Cullowhee Kids Scholarship Fund, The Community Table, The Good Samaritan Clinic, Heifer International, 
READ Ecuador, UMCOR Disaster Relief, and many others!

Hosted by: Cullowhee United Methodist Church
416 Central Drive, Cullowhee, NC 2872
On the campus of WCU
(828) 293-9215

United Christian Ministries Needs

Old Mother Hubbard went to her cupboard to get her poor dog a bone. And when she went there, the cupboard was bare.....BARE! How can that be?

For 27 years we have supported UCM's cupboard, helping to feed the hungry of Jackson County. Yes, we do help financially to keep the doors open, but lately our donations of food have been nearly nonexistent.

Make buying a little extra each week as you shop for your groceries a priority.  BOGO....give the free one to UCM.  Or make certain that you have included 10% of your bill to donate to UCM....spending $60 on yourself while spending $6.00 on UCM.

We have a UCM box in the Kindness room where it is convenient for collecting your food items. Don't let Old Mother Hubbard find it bare!