Brittany Ramirez
CBF Field Personnel, Baguio, Philippines
“I will hold the Christ-light for you in the nighttime of your fear. I will hold my hand out to you, speak the peace you long to hear.” –Servant Song by Richard Gillard
In 2020, with a global pandemic, the world changed for everyone. For our family, that change was the death of the dream of what our life and calling would look like.
After getting stuck away from our home and ministry in China due to the pandemic, then forced to return to the United States for three years, it was hard to see and understand how God could possibly use this painful time. It was hard to believe and see God’s light and presence in our lives and future.
As field personnel, it is hard to share when we struggle with belief. But it is important for us all to be authentic and honest in those times of struggle, because that can be a time when we see the work of the Spirit in our lives and community. With the theme of “What is saving your life right now?,” I can say that it was a death that saved my life. It was the death of a dream, turned into a resurrection and hope of a new possibility. And when I look at what sustained me through that death, I point to community.
When all seemed lost for our calling, our ministry, our hope of how we could take part in the mission of God in our world, we found our community of faith, holding hope and light for us in the darkness. Our community of families, support partners and churches sustained us through their prayers, continued financial commitment to maintain our ministry upon return to the field, their affirmation and their belief that we were still being called. They believed for us that we would get back to ministry—even when our hope wavered.
The artist, Scott Erickson, writes, “We have our resources, skills, and technologies to offer… but it seems what we most deeply need to receive and what we most deeply need to offer is the Light of Presence.”
It was our community that offered us the light of presence and held the Christ-light for us in the midst of our darkness. And isn’t this exactly what we are called to do for each other as Christians?
We could not have imagined in 2020 where our journey would lead us. We could not have imagined the way God would not only sustain our calling to minister among the Chinese community, but to broaden that call into a beautiful partnership with Philippine Baptist Theological Seminary and ministry to overseas Chinese in Baguio, Philippines. What has been saving my life the past few years, has been the Light of presence and hope from our CBF communities and churches. And what a joy it is to be able to go back out with renewed calling and offer that light of presence to others along their journeys.
Prayer, Practice, Ponder
How are you experiencing community right now? Have you been able to hold the Christ-light for someone in your community recently? Or are you experiencing a time where you need someone to hold onto hope and light for you? Take some time today to practice Visio Divina with the attached art by Scott Erickson or find another piece of art that is meaningful to you.