1st Explorers Updates

Wish List for 1st Explorers

Our after school ministry begins again next week.  There are several items that are needed which could help keep the cost of the program manageable. The “wish list” includes:

  1. Healthy snacks:  snack crackers, applesauce, graham crackers, Goldfish crackers, individual servings of pudding, popsicles, popcorn, fresh fruit (apples, grapes, bananas), trail mix, granola bars, dried fruit, etc.

  2. Wiffle balls and other playground supplies

  3. Volunteers to share skills

  4. Volunteers to greet and check children in and out

Snacks and playground supplies can be left on the cart at the back door.  Anyone interested in volunteering should contact Marina Hunley-Graham or Kayla Hartman

1st Explorers Has Some Openings

If you know of someone looking for after school care for their child grades K–6th grade, please let them know that there is still some space in 1st Explorers.  The church van picks up children at Scotts Creek.  Also, if they attend Fairview School, a school bus brings them to the church.  The program begins August 14 and runs from 3:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. each day that school is operating in full session.

For more information, contact Marina Hunley-Graham.