Thank You, Church Family!

Dear Church Family,

Thank you for your support during these last weeks.  Through your prayers, words, hugs, cards, emails, phone calls, visits, flowers, food, and memorials, I have felt the love and comfort of Christ. Thank you to those who were able to travel the many miles to Mom's services in GA/TN as we remembered and honored her. She has left us a mighty legacy of serving others and sharing Jesus.

Thank you for your compassionate and caring ministry to our family You have walked along side us, held us close, and lifted us up as we have traveled this road of both sadness and joy. Sadness that Mom is not physically with us here on earth where we can enjoy her company.  Joy in knowing that she is healed and happy in heaven with our Lord, her family, and many friends.

I am, indeed, most humbly grateful. It is well with my soul.

Linda Minor

Dear Friends in Christ, 

Thank you so much for the many cards, prayers, food, and for those who took me to my doctor’s visits and helped get my groceries.

I am delighted to be back with you, my extended family!

In Christian love,

Your bionic organist,
