Mission Moment to 6.19.24

Elket Rodríguez
CBF Field Personnel, U.S.–Mexico Border

If there is a biblical character whose story with which I identify, it is Simon Peter. Passionate, impulsive, impatient, brave and yet cowardly at the same time. Deeply human and yet profoundly spiritual. When he seems lost, he is found. Confused, but convinced. Simply, perfectly imperfect. 

Peter was Jesus’ artwork for us to see and enjoy the effects of the planting and the sowing of the word and the power of the Holy Spirit. Peter’s shortcomings were always compensated for by the precious power of God’s grace. Like me, Peter knows that when all the anxiety and the noise dissipate, there is only one place to find satisfaction. We can either go to “the place” or “the place” can pursue us with steadfast love—like Peter experienced when Jesus appeared to him on a beach. When all is said and done, Peter and I remember that only Jesus has the words of eternal life.