Joe's Window

By Dr. Joe Yelton

Interim Pastor

As we finish our July 4th celebrations, I hope we've given ample opportunity to thanking God for this amazing nation. We are not completely united. We have never been completely united. What we are is adjoined. Each of us have varying views of what it takes to be a good American, just as we have differing opinions of what's required to be a faithful Christian. Ultimately though, we find our way into the variegated tapestry which is our astounding nation. Not always in unity, but usually in unison, we march together in the parade of all that's involved in being an American. 

It's precisely the same with belonging to this exemplary church. No two of us live, think, and believe precisely the same. But we are family, so we make lots of room for one another. That seems to be a very Jesus thing to do. Jesus chose 12 disciples who couldn't have been more at odds with one another. It was in their differences that the actual strength of their clan was revealed. We celebrate that First Baptist is both Republican and Democrat. We embrace that we are wealthy and not so wealthy, young and old, single and married, diplomaed and not. You see, we were NEVER called to be the same. Our call is to follow Jesus; and at First Baptist, we discover many roads that lead to that calling.