Joe's Window

By Dr. Joe Yelton

Interim Pastor

Jesus said, "Give to Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and to God, the things that are God's." He said this in response to a question of whether it was lawful for Jews to pay taxes to the occupying Roman authorities. As with most quotes from scripture, multiple interpretations of what Jesus meant have emerged. 

It's my understanding that Jesus accepted the present reality for lsrael. .. (sometimes the harsh realities of residing in this world carries responsibilities beyond our submission to Christ). Stated differently, we owe Jesus our all, which leads us to accept that within our Christ commitment is a duty and debt to those who govern us. 

July 4th is significant to Americans, or should be. Declaring our independence led to a time of tumult and war. The American Revolution lasted from 1775 to 1783. American forces lost 6,800. Additionally, supportive forces from France and Spain gave another 2,500 to the American cause. This doesn't consider the more substantial losses of the sworn enemy, Great Britain (and Germany). But wait, what about the 135,000 from both sides who died of Small Pox. 

It must be true ... freedom isn't free. As fractured as our nation feels to many of us, it is gratifying to remember that warring nations 250 years ago not only produced what would become the United States of America ... all parties (both sides) involved in the American Revolution are today steadfast friends. Perhaps the warring factions that divide our nation today can beat their weapons into ploughshares and again taste the sweet wine of mutual respect, tolerance, and common purpose. 

Happy Independence Day! Thank God for our nation! Best of all, thank God that, "this 

world is not my home, I'm just a'passin' through." We owe Caesar his due. We owe Jesus our all.