Church-Wide Conversation

YOU have an opportunity to help the Pastor Search Committee!

Through our relationship with CBF-NC, we are hosting three important Sunday events intended to shed light on (1) where we have come from, (2) who we are now and (3) what God is calling us to be in the future. These events will directly feed into the important decision making that we have vested in our Pastor Search Committee to find our full-time Pastor. Your voice is important.

The first conversation (focusing on events in our past that have shaped our church) will be held following the worship service on Sunday, March 17th. We encourage all to attend and to have a voice. Importantly, the insights of those who have been members for many, many years will be great contributions to the conversation.

Andy Hale will preach our worship service and will also lead our conversation. We will have a pizza and salad lunch after worship in the MFC around 11:45. From 12:30 -1:30 Andy Hale will lead us through a conversation that will help the Pastor Search Committee to look at how our past actions, activities and missions have shaped us. This is an important first step in gaining church-wide input.

FOOD: Pizza from Mad Batter will be our main entree. We are asking for volunteers to bring side salads and desserts. Please let Janice Trull know what you will be bringing. You may call her at 828-586-2095 or email her at

CHILDCARE: We invite you to bring your young children to lunch and there will be childcare available in the nursery during the meeting that follows.

The second and third church-wide conversations are scheduled for Sunday, April 21 and Sunday, May 19.