Keeping Connected

By Kaitlyn Cabaniss
Communications Intern

In the digital age, effective communication plays a vital role in bridging the gap between a church’s physical building and its community. As a communication major, I am learning the value of being well-informed and having multiple avenues to stream communication. Part of my time here at First Baptist Sylva will include a summary of our church communications. This will keep everyone connected and give an updated view of all the ways you can connect with the church. 

The best place to start when looking for church information is the church website ( The website serves as a hub for important church news, a place to give your offering, staff introductions, and pages for children and youth ministry. It is also another way to access the sermon podcast and see the most recent church bulletin. The church website also provides a platform for visitors to learn more about the church’s beliefs, ministries, and connect with its community.

Every Monday, the church sends out an email containing the sermon podcast and video from the previous Sunday. This allows interested parties of the church to catch up on the sermon in case they were unable to attend the service. There are also a few important reminders and the church office hours for the week.  

On Wednesdays, our newsletter (Church Chimes) is sent out. This email includes an article, activity announcements and service requests, as well as important information relating to the church community, offering and attendance totals, recipes, and our prayer list. If requested, the Church Chimes can also be mailed to individuals who are unable to access email.  

On Fridays, the church sends out an email reminder for the upcoming Sunday service. It also contains any additional reminders for important service information or weekend events. 

On social media, First Baptist Sylva can be found on YouTube and Facebook. The YouTube channel houses each Sunday service livestream so anyone can go back and watch a favorite service. The Facebook page is another way members or potential guests can see relevant church information and see the church’s address, phone number, and email. 

Lastly, the online church directory is a great way to see and keep track of all church members. The church directory can be accessed through the website “Instant Church Directory” or downloaded as an app on your mobile phone. The directory includes church member’s addresses, phone numbers, and emails as well as birthdays and church committees. It’s a great way to stay connected to your fellow church family. 

First Baptist Sylva has many ways for members and guests to stay informed and stay connected. Make sure you are staying plugged into all the wonderful things going on in the life of the church.  If you have questions or want assistance with accessing any of these, please contact our church office.