Welcome to the Yeltons and Hometown Musical Memories

It has been my pleasure to know the Yelton family since they moved to Cullowhee many years ago. Joe and Corrine had a vibrant ministry at the Cullowhee Baptist Church, and were loved by all.  Their children, Rosemary and Jake were young when they arrived, and grew up in the rural university setting, with the many opportunities that WCU provides.  The Yeltons were active in community life and great fans of music.  I like that!!

Corrine is a soprano who sang in Dr. Dooley's Western Carolina Community Chorus, as well as in the Cullowhee Church Choir.  She also played in the Handbell Choir.  The children took piano from Barbara Dooley, who was their organist.  Mrs. Yelton came to me for some "coaching" on directing choirs when she was asked to lead the choir at the church.  Our musical paths have often crossed.

If you attended a choral concert or a madrigal dinner at WCU, you would find the Yeltons among the patrons.  They came with their children and enjoyed what we had to offer, and always made a point to come to speak to me after the performances.  We are, indeed,   fortunate to have secured Dr. Yelton as our Interim Pastor.  He values and appreciates music which is heartfelt and well prepared. I have devoted over 56 years of professional life to church music leadership, so that means a great deal to me, as it will to the others involved in our music ministry.

We may be looking for a new pastor for quite some time, but be assured — we are being led by a highly capable  servant of God.   I'm sure that our fellowship will be blessed by Dr. and Mrs. Yelton, and I look forward to our work together for the people of First Baptist Church of Sylva.

Bob Holquist
Minister of Music