Mission Moment 1.24.24

Jade and Shelah Acker 

CBF Field Personnel, Uganda

The two people who have had the most profound influence on my life, personally, spiritually and professionally, are my parents, Dorothy and Jerry Hubbard. For 30 years, my parents served as missionaries in Zambia. Now, they continue to serve God and others in their community in Alabaster, Alabama. For as long as I can remember, my parents would wake up early in the morning to read the Bible and pray. To this day, they still meet each morning for a focused and intentional prayer time. They have an extensive prayer list and take prayer more seriously than anyone I know. My dad reads through the Bible twice a year in a different version and spends hours studying and preparing for his weekly Sunday school class. My mom reflects the love, compassion, gentleness and wisdom of Jesus as she ministers to those around her. I consistently hear stories from people about how they have been impacted by my parents. I don’t take this for granted. They raised me in a home where I never doubted that I was loved by God or that God had a purpose for my life. Now, as I serve on the mission field, I realize more and more how much my faith and my ministry calling were developed by my parents. I also feel empowered and encouraged to know that they are specifically praying for me, my family and our ministry every single morning—and yes, they also pray through CBF’s Prayers of the People guide each year! I’m so thankful to God for my parents and the legacy they have passed on to me.

—Shelah Acker 

My secret ambition in life has always been to one day look back to the place from which I have come and to have a mindset like Job. So far, I’ve experienced a lot of trials in my short life, and thankfully I’ve had many people to guide me. I met Mr. Chad on my first day of physical education at my new school last year. Mr. Chad was my PE teacher, and although he was in his 30’s, had experienced more than most people in their entire lifetime. Mr. Chad suffered from multiple issues like early arthritis, ADHD, OCD, bipolar disorder and extreme depression. There has never been a day when Mr. Chad didn’t feel physical pain in his body. Like Job, Mr. Chad continued to trust in God no matter his circumstances. He also mentored those around him and said that his pain was worth it to teach younger minds about what trusting in God can do. 

Job experienced unbearable pain in his life. He suffered through a life of torment, but he managed to stay strong and put his hope and trust in God. As my family serves God here in Uganda and walks through our struggles, it is sometimes easy to forget that suffering gives us an opportunity to lean on God and trust in God. Many people around the world are suffering physically, spiritually and mentally. We have the opportunity to do the same as Mr. Chad—even when we ourselves are suffering. We can offer hope and help to others and teach them to lean on God. 

—Anna-Grace Acker (17-year-old daughter of Jade and Shelah Acker)