Called Church Conference THIS Sunday

Following Worship THIS Sunday, January 21

Items for Congregational Approval:

1. Calling of Interim Pastor to begin 02/04/24. This comes as a recommendation from the Board of Deacons and the Personnel Chair after reviewing resumes, phone conversations, checking references, listening to sermons, interviewing with Board of Deacons, and prayerful discernment.

2. Vote to proceed with nursery facelift. This comes as a recommendation from the Board of Deacons and Trustees and has already been approved by the Budget & Finance Committee. Please see more details in this Chimes notice from Jim Campbell, Trustee.

3. Alter slightly, for this year only, the calendar for Deacon Selection Process as written in the Bylaws. This request is made to avoid conducting church business on Palm Sunday and Easter.

From Linda Minor,

Deacon Chair