Mission Moment. 1.10.24

Danielle Glaze

Founder of Mana Teaching Ministry,
Pastor at First Baptist Church, Teachey, North Carolina

Lil Red Bird 

Cardinal by another name

I call you Messenger of God

Your bright red body whether it

Be against the gray and brown of Winter.

Or the bright green of Spring and Summer.

You always get my attention

And I dare not look away.

As long as you stay, I watch.

Messenger of God

You remind me of the precious blood

Shed on Calvary for me. 

It works and is still working.

You remind me that the Lord is with me and

Shows up in special ways to make sure I know.

My daddy called you red bird.

He said you show up as an ancestor or as a warning

That pain is on the way.

I say you show up to tell me God sees me and is with me.

You show up to tell me that no matter what, 

God is present and will make sure I know it.

Lil Red Bird, thank you for making me take moments to 

Be still and know...

Lil Red Bird thank you for the beauty that you are!

Lil Red Bird you preach really well-be who you are...in season and out!

Be brilliant in all your beauty, 

Let the Lord take care of you the way He takes care of me.

Lil Red Bird thank you for reminding me... 

God is real, He knows me, He loves me, and He is with me.

Lil Red Bird to God be the glory!  Thank you. 

—Danielle Glaze

The older I’ve gotten and the more I know, the more I find God, hear God and see God in creation. In the beauty of flowers and weeds, in the glorious sounds of birds singing in the morning, and in the spectacular colors of the sun setting that could never be replicated. Nature and especially birds remind me of the freedom and transcendence we have been gifted by the Lord.  

I would encourage you to take more time to allow nature to testify to you and encourage you of God’s love and care for you. God speaks through all creation and since God takes care of all the living things that don’t sow, be encouraged God will take care of you. God especially speaks to me through cardinals. When I’m low or crying out in Spirit, they appear in the least likely places and they remain as long as I’m willing to stay. I hear God saying through their presence...I’ve heard you; I see you, I’m with you!

As Psalm 19:1-4 (NIV) says: 

The heavens declare the glory of God;

the skies proclaim the work of his hands.

Day after day they pour forth speech;

night after night they reveal knowledge.

They have no speech, they use no words;

no sound is heard from them.

Yet their voice goes out into all the earth,

their words to the ends of the world.