Help Wanted

For many years, this congregation has sought to follow the mandate of Micah 6:8: “He has told you, O man, what is good; and what does the LORD require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?” (ESV)

What does it look like to do justice, love kindness, and walk humbly with our God? Certainly, it looks like regular worship gatherings, mission outreach efforts, fellowship opportunities, spiritual development for all ages, pastoral care, hospitality, and community engagement. It looks like our partnership with a sister church in Cuba. It looks like the Hands-on Jackson workday breakfast, Charlie’s Challenge, Homecoming, and a variety of celebratory receptions. It looks like an enriching After School program that nurtures our children. It looks like disaster relief. It looks like Men’s Breakfasts. It looks like camps and retreats for our children and youth. It looks like our children and youth learning about missions, missionaries, and how to plan and carry out their own mission outreach. It looks like Treat Street on Halloween, with buckets of candy to give out to eager children in creative costumes. It looks like the monthly Dining for Jackson fundraisers for our community mission partners.

What is needed to make all of this happen?

People: People who want to share the stories of our faith with our children; to support and encourage them as they navigate the path from childhood to youth and into adulthood. People who want to build a strong fellowship and supportive network for one another, where we can rejoice in one another’s triumphs and grieve with those who mourn. People who want to serve the Lord according to their gifts, whether it be cradling newborns in the nursery; beautifying our buildings and grounds; visiting our homebound members; singing or playing an instrument; fixing leaky toilet valves; teaching a Sunday School class; working the sound booth and cameras; or keeping our Mission and Fellowship Center kitchen stocked with necessities.

Space: Space to gather for worship and spiritual growth. Space in which to provide care for children in our community. Space in which to enjoy fellowship with one another – preferably over a meal. Space for small groups to pursue Bible studies or mission projects. Space in which to prepare and serve meals. Space for a playground on which our children may play and form friendships. Space in which the business of the church may be conducted.

Financial support: Financial support for the utilities that allow us to have light, heat, running water, and internet access. Financial support for insurance to cover risks to our property. Financial support for the fuel and maintenance costs of the church buses. Financial support for the staff payroll. Financial support for Sunday School literature. Financial support for waste removal. Financial support for the office equipment and supplies upon which so many of our operations rely. Financial support for the audio-visual equipment, software, and licenses that allow us to effectively share our programming and communications with members and friends both near and far. Financial support for the professionals who provide accounting, communications, and custodial services to the church. Financial support for the paper goods and condiments upon which our potluck meals rely.

Yes, First Baptist Sylva needs your help . . . on multiple levels!

As we proceed into the new year, please consider ways in which you can help do justice, love kindness, and walk humbly with our God. First Baptist Sylva has been blessed with ample space in a prime Main Street location. We have also been blessed with dedicated individuals who willingly offer their time and skills in support of our missions and ministries. I’m certain that as you read the “People” paragraph above, several names immediately came to mind. The next time you see those individuals, thank them! Better yet, offer to join some of them in their efforts! I have never heard any of our team or committee leaders complain about having too much help, so it’s a fair bet that your offer of assistance would be welcome.

On behalf of the Budget and Finance Committee, I would be remiss if I did not also make a direct appeal for support of our church budget – our “General Fund.” We have numerous restricted funds that support missions, benevolence, property repairs, and other projects, and we are grateful for that. However, it is the General Fund that supports the ongoing operations of the church. It is the General Fund that covers the costs described in the “Financial Support” paragraph above, and the costs of many other activities and operations. It is the General Fund that underwrites the church’s ability to do justice, love kindness, and walk humbly with our God. And it is the General Fund that is currently feeling the brunt of an overall decline in giving, as the accompanying chart indicates.

Many of the line items in our General Fund budget appear mundane and low-profile, yet without them we cannot function effectively. The work of the church is heavily dependent upon its General Fund, which in turn is dependent upon the tithes and offerings received each week. Offerings given to the General Fund are those that keep the doors of the church open and the missions of the church reaching others for Christ.

As you map out your personal budget for 2024 and contemplate your tithes and offerings, please remember to include First Baptist Sylva in your regular giving. Your support is sorely needed! As Paul urged the early Christians in Corinth, “Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.” 2 Corinthians 9:7 (ESV).

May God grant each of you a blessed new year, and may we work together faithfully and effectively as we transition to the next chapter in the life of First Baptist Sylva!

– Janet