Giving God a High-Five

In the midst of a scorching Tennessee Valley summer in 2011, my home video collection recently unearthed a memory--a memory of a time when the earth was parched and Chattanooga was in the grip of an extensive drought. However, a remarkable event unfolded just when it seemed like nature had forsaken us.

A tropical system from the Gulf swept in, defying all expectations. It unleashed an unprecedented ten inches of rain upon us, cleansing the gutters and quenching a thirsty land. It was a moment of nature's grandeur, but what made it truly special was the innocent perspective of a four-year-old named Zeb.

As I watched Zeb standing by the screen door, gazing at the steady downpour, he exclaimed, "Good job, God!" 

It was a simple yet profound expression of gratitude for the life-giving rain rejuvenating the world around us.

In this moment, Zeb unknowingly tapped into a profound truth. The creation accounts in Genesis teach us that God delights in celebrating the beauty of His handiwork. Throughout the Psalms, we find a rich collection of "Good job, God!" prayers that openly acknowledge His extraordinary work in the world and our lives. These expressions of gratitude remind us that being thankful isn't merely a matter of politeness; it's a transformative act that reshapes our hearts and minds.

Thanksgiving has the power to transform sourness, envy, and frustration into an appreciation for God's abundant grace. It shifts our focus from what we lack to the blessings surrounding us.

In our church community, we are presented with numerous opportunities to join God in His ongoing work. A glance at this week's Chimes newsletter reveals how God is at work in our church's life, creating avenues for us to "Do justice, love kindness, and walk humbly with Our God," as the prophet Micah encourages (Micah 6:8).

I invite you to give these opportunities your time and attention. Our church's desire to embody Christ's spirit in dynamic ways warms my heart and fills my soul with energy. We can wholeheartedly echo Zeb's praise: "Good job, God! Thank you for inviting us to join you in your good work!"

In celebrating God's abundant grace and embracing the opportunities before us, we actively participate in His ongoing creation. Together, we can be good for the world, just as that life-giving rain did for Chattanooga a decade ago.