Ellen Sechrest
CBF Director for Mission Engagement, Georgia
When I think of prayer, it often seems complex. But in reality, it’s simple. The ways I prayed as a child were honest and simple. As a youth, I was encouraged to pray and use a devotional guide, and I did so without fail. I was a rule follower and didn’t want to disappoint God.
My youth minister, Ty, told us once that sometimes we may not be able to pray because of a situation in our lives, but to know that someone else is praying for us when we can’t. I struggled with that because I thought I should always be able to pray. My dear youth mentor, Bill (a woman) always told us she was praying for us by name. I thought that was sweet, but not until later would I understand the importance.
My Grandma Mize was a faithful pray-er. She always signed her cards: ”With love and prayers, Grandma.” She was a poor woman of simple means, but with a great understanding of the power or prayer which made her rich.
Then came college and seminary. With so much work to do, you’d think I would have prayed all the time. But I would go for long periods of time not praying. Those were the days in the valley when I remembered that Bill, Grandma, my mother and others were praying for me when it seemed words escaped me. I finally understood why we needed others praying for us.
While serving as a church minister, I wrote a lot of prayers for worship and experiences. At times it was hard because I wanted to say the right words and would fret over them. Then I saw the movie Shadowlands, about the life of C.S Lewis. One of his quotes is, “I pray because I can’t help myself. I pray because I’m helpless. I pray because the need flows out of me all the time, waking and sleeping. It doesn’t change God. It changes me.” I yearned for that prayer to flow out me all the time.
Now at age 58, I find myself back to my childhood way of praying. Simple conversations with God. Praying for others. Listening. It’s not the words that matter so much, it’s the time I spend with God that is life changing.
I am praying for you, my sisters and brothers.