Love Unbounded, Wonderful, Deep, and Strong

by Dr. Jeff Mathis

At the end of our Sunday morning worship service these last weeks, our congregational response has been the chorus of a hymn by Fanny Crosby titled, "Praise Him, Praise Him." As we have sung it, it's not just the melody that resonates with me; it's the profound message it carries, particularly the line, "Love unbounded, wonderful, deep, and strong." 

These words capture the essence of Jesus's place in our lives and the depth of His love for us.

God's love for us through His Son, Jesus, is unbounded—infinite, immeasurable, and beyond our comprehension. Jesus stretches the limits of our worldly understanding and reaches beyond the boundaries and limitations we may construct. 

Those who have tasted God's love know it fills us with awe and amazement. God's love never ceases to be a source of wonder because it continually reveals new facets of God's character and grace. 

The depth of Jesus's love is unfathomable. In times of joy, Christ's love is our celebration, and in moments of sorrow, it's our solace. His love is our anchor in the turbulent seas of life. Nothing is trifling about the love that Jesus offers us. 

And we profess, of course, that Jesus's love is strong and unwavering. This kind of love sustains us through trials and empowers us to overcome challenges. It's a love that never wavers, a steady presence in our lives, and a source of strength when we feel weak.

As we prepare to gather in the Mission and Fellowship Center this Wednesday night for our first Dawnings meeting, I can't help but think about the significance of our congregational response. Our congregational meeting on Wednesday evening represents a new chapter in our journey as a church family. It's our first dedicated gathering to share our personal stories, providing a starting point for discerning God's promising future for our church.

Our stories are a testament to the unbounded, wonderful, deep, and strong love we sing about at the end of worship. The stories we will share will reflect how Jesus's love has touched and transformed our lives. Sharing our stories is not just about recounting our experiences; it's about bearing witness to the work of Christ in our midst.

In the spirit of the love we proclaim at the end of worship, I invite you to join us at 5:30 PM for a potluck meal before the meeting begins. It's more than just a meal; it's a time for us to practice the love that is unbounded, wonderful, deep, and strong. It's an opportunity to come together as a church family, sample the tasty food we've brought, share laughter, and strengthen the bonds that bind us. 

As we prepare for this congregational meeting, let's carry the melody of "Praise Him, Praise Him" in our hearts and be inspired by the depth and strength of Jesus's love. Together, we can embark on this exciting journey of sharing our stories, discerning God's path for our church, and practicing a love that knows no bounds.