Mission Moment 8.2.23


CBF Field Personnel in Thailand

 In these days of worldwide groaning, so much uncertainty, isolation and suffering, what great comfort and peace comes by knowing these two truths: Jesus is alive, and he intercedes for us!

He has received authority and is our perfect high priest. He sits at the right hand of God, pleading for us. He knows every heart cry. He knows what is best for us and for the people we seek to serve. Where the enemy accuses us before God, Jesus lives to intercede for us. What blessed assurance! 

We can pray God’s word into any heartache, broken life or world crisis.

As a linguist and translator, it is exciting to me that in praying God’s word, we are speaking God’s language. God’s word is a window into God’s heart for us. It transforms our thinking as we pray. We don’t need to waste time “figuring it out,” with a formula or “magic incantation.” We can come to scripture and pray from there. I have learned to pray God’s word in my international church community, consisting of 75 nations and representing more than denominations. What a beautiful gift, to pray God’s word with the body of Christ!

During a particularly difficult season of sorrow, I have prayed God’s word in the middle of the night. I pray God’s word for my adult children in different time zones across the ocean. I have prayed God’s word for my Thai and Bisu loved ones whose hearts are hardened to the Good News. I have prayed God’s word as I confess my sins, fears and sorrows to the Father. I have prayed God’s word as I ask for God’s provision, God’s peace, God’s direction. I have prayed God’s word when I question what God is doing in my life and in this world. And I pray God’s word for the spiritual protection and breakthroughs each day.

When we don’t have words, when we are up at 2 a.m. worrying, when the weight of the world’s sorrow seems like too much, when confusion blurs the thought processes…we can pray God’s word with beautiful assurance. When we don’t know what or how to pray through something or for someone in a crisis, we can pray God’s heart for them from God’s word.

Pray. . .Give. . .Go.