Mission Moment 6.21.23

Greg and Sue Smith 

CBF Field Personnel in Fredericksburg, VA

God of grace, God of mercy, God of peace, hear our prayer!

Gracious God, whose presence accompanies all who suffer and mourn, we grieve for those this day who are running from danger to find safety in strange lands. You, oh God, who walked closely with Abraham’s family as they journeyed to their new home Canaan, and with Ruth and Naomi as they sadly returned to Israel when death struck their family in Moab, and with Joseph and Mary in their search to protect their Little Child in Egypt, we know and trust that today you accompany each Ukrainian woman, man and child seeking shelter from the bombs of an unjust war; that today you stand with each desperate, pleading migrant waiting anxiously and fearfully at an international border hoping someone will hear their cry and open the door; that today you embrace and welcome all who seek life in the middle of the stench and horror of death. 

Merciful God, watch over and strengthen each person both near and far who is forced to abandon their home, who weeps for their families and friends left behind, who risks their lives and health as they flee, who faces violence and abuse, who feels agonizing hunger for lack of food on the way, and who fears what they may find when they come to the end of the road. Call out your people to greet and welcome them all along the way, to offer food and shelter and a cup of cold water in Jesus’ name. Grant energy and resources to the organizations, governments, churches, international aid agencies, and each individual who are giving their time, money and skills in an effort to meet needs and alleviate suffering. 

Peace-filled God, we groan from within our souls, pleading for a cessation of violence and destruction and war; for an end to government corruption that sows the seeds of gang violence and dishonest police; for a healing of your creation that allows poor farmers to work their land and feed their families. By your Spirit in the name of Christ Jesus who reigns in peace, grant that we might be a means of peace in our communities, our countries and our world. Fill the whole world with your peace. Come Lord Jesus!

 God of grace, God of mercy, God peace, hear our prayer!

Pray. . .Give. . .Go.