Tocinillo Del Cielo

Bacon from Heaven

Hola, my name is Adonais Rojas.
 I’m a member of the Cuba sister church Kerigma and want to share this recipe with you.


12 large egg yolks

500 milliliters of water

500 grams of white sugar


To begin with, we have to place a medium frying pan or pot on the fire, and add the five tablespoons of white sugar and four tablespoons of water into it.  Little by little, it will melt, and we are moving the sugar with a wooden spoon.  Then, we have to leave it over medium heat, without mixing.

When little bubbles begin to form and the sugar changes color, turning brown, now we start to stir.  This is a fundamental step for the bacon from heaven to be perfect, so it is very important to be attentive to this procedure so that the caramel does not go bad, burn, or become a stone that is impossible to remove.  Once the components are mixed, we remove the pot from the heat and continue stirring, until it completely reaches the honey color typical of caramel.  Now we let it temper for a short minute.

Once ready, we bein to pour it into the mold where we will prepare the rest of the bacon from heaven recipe.  The mold must be well covered with the caramel, with the entire surface occupied.  For this we can turn it little by little and in this wy achieve that it reaches the walls of the mold.  

Now we let it harden completely, until it forms cracks, and we continue with the second part of the bacon from heaven recipe:  we heat the 500 ml of water in a pot or casserole and add half a kilo of sugar.  Once it boils, a syrup will form.  We must let it boil for 3 minutes, then lower the heat and leave it for another 10 minutes.  When it’s done, we take it off the heat and let it cool little by little.  The idea is that it becomes warm, neither cold nor hot.

The next step is the preparation of the eggs for the sky bacon.  For this we have to separate the white from the yolk and place them in different containers.  It can be useful to split the egg in half, let the white fall into one of the containers while you pass the yolk from one shell to the other, until it is completely separated and you can dump it into another container of bowl.

When we are done with that step, we beat the 12 egg yolks with a hand mixer or a fork.  It is best to do it by hand, as the mixer can let in a lot of air and spoil the bacon dessert from heaven.  They must be well integrated.  Once beaten, we begin to pour it into the mold with the caramel.   Now, we place the bacon from heaven mold inside a container with water to cook bacon from from heaven in a bain-marie.  We can place it in the oven or on the fire to cook it.  When doing it with a bain-marie, we leave it for 30 minutes.  We let it cool at room temperature for half an hour, and then we take it to the refrigerator for 5 more hours.  Once ready, we can place a plate on top of the mold and turn it over to overturn it.  You can separate the edges with a knife before so that it separates better and does not break.

And ready!  You can now serve your bacon from Cuban heaven to enjoy with your loved ones.

– Provided by Adonais Rojas

Tocinillo Del Cielo

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Provided by Adonais Rojas