Mission Moment 5.24.23

Rev. Cindy Wallace

For years, I limited my prayers to words—sometimes spoken, sometimes written, often sung—but always limited to written language. More recently, I have come to believe that my life itself is a prayer. Songwriter Carrie Newcomer expresses this idea beautifully in her song “Holy as a Day is Spent” when she says, “Holy is the familiar room and quiet moments in the afternoon, and folding sheets like folding hands to pray as only laundry can.” The song is about finding holy moments in everyday living and allowing our lives to be a prayer.

That is what prayer has become to me—moments throughout the day to find God in the ordinary. It’s taking time to appreciate the sun shining down, the squirrel that catches my dog’s eye, the phone call or text from my sons, the funny meme my husband sends— being thankful for the blessings, finding comfort in the pain, and seeking help in the struggle. And in those moments of doubt or fear, it is praying, “Lord, I believe. Help my unbelief,” and then taking the next step in faith, knowing I am not alone and I am always and forever loved.
