Mission Moment 5.17.23

My prayer with our women’s ministry has been wonderfully rewarding. We have eight Bible Study meetings every week, four on Mondays and four on Thursdays. I speak at many of them weekly. We always start our meetings with prayers. 

I ask the 60 to 70 women present in that room about their prayer requests, and the requests start pouring in. They seek prayer for health problems, or for the ability to find a school for their children. They ask the Lord to open a door for work for their husbands or sons, or to reveal to them where their father or brother who was kidnapped can be found. 

The prayer requests have been very hard sometimes—prayers that need a miracle. The Lord has always been gracious, answering our prayers miraculously.

In situations where some men get kidnapped and disappear from the face of earth, the Lord has answered the prayers of these women, their mothers and sisters, women from different religious backgrounds, but who believe in the power of the Lord Jesus. 

We prayed for Aysha’s brother who was missing for more than six months. We prayed for him for over two weeks. At one of our meetings, Aysha, who is a refugee from Syria, shared with the women that her brother was found. They were able to locate him, they now knew that he was imprisoned, and that soon he would be released. 

One of the most wonderful things about prayers is that the Lord answers. 

Blessed be God’s name.
