1st Explorers After-School Ministry Update

Science was a big part of 1st Explorers this week. On Monday, Cheryl Beck shared a wave bottle she had made to simulate ocean waves in her Chapel presentation. Emily Taylor shared information about bees and brought some bees and honey frames for the children to see. Pastor Mathis used a puzzle of the St. Louis Arch as a demonstration of a good foundation during RAs. Damon Krenek was able to figure out the puzzle. There was also an impromptu forensic investigation of a deceased bird that fascinated several of the children.

Curtis Collins visited from the Jackson County Health Department and brought his 3 dogs. He discussed dog handling and the best practices for approaching dogs. That was a lot of fun!

Other activities that filled the week included writing letters to pen pals, working on baseball throwing skills with Pastor Mathis, and lots of outside play. 

Thank you to Pastor Blake Daniel for leading Chapel on Tuesdays this spring. A huge thank you to all of our church member volunteers this week!! It takes a village!

1. Emsley Davis and Neleydee Torres enjoyed meeting one of Curtis Collins’ dogs as they learned more about safety around animals.

2. Rory Dills uses a magnifying glass to get a closer look at the honey frame.

3. Emma Carnes and Amelia Murchie are intent on a forensics project they conducted on the playground.

4. Pastor Mathis looks on as Damon Krenek solves the St. Louis Arch puzzle that was used to illustrate having a strong foundation.