1st Explorers After-School Ministry Update

Carson Woodard displays his balance creation during Mrs. Emily's science lesson.

1st Explorers learned about the 10 Commandments beginning with Chapel on Monday where Cheryl Beck discussed the first 2 Commandments. Curtis Collins from the Health Department tied in the 9th and 10th Commandments with his lesson on Thursday and then led the students and staff in a rendition of the “soul train line” while sharing positive affirmations with each other.

Emily Taylor’s science activities on Tuesdays are always fun. This week, the students and staff were intrigued to learn the science behind how things balance. 

RAs and GAs were also lots of fun this week. The GAs learned about missions in St. Louis, Missouri and enjoyed St. Louis style pizza provided by leader Sandi Allen. The GAs were excited to learn that their efforts at Greening Up the Mountains had netted $1000.00 for our sister church in Holquin, Cuba. RAs played a loud but really exciting game of felt darts in the RA room. 

Another highlight of the week was having Lee Lallance share his knowledge of the piano and play a “mini concert” for the 1st Explorers. Everyone was in awe of his musical abilities. At the end, he had everyone up and dancing to a unique hokey pokey!

The children continue to enjoy their time with Diane Shallock and the ORFF instruments. They are sounding good!

The staff’s Bible study led by Sandi Allen ended on Tuesday. We thank Sandi for her commitment to the staff this spring.

Lee Lallance enthralled the 1st Explorers with his piano skills at a “mini concert” last week.