I am thankful for the transformed and flowered cross that proclaimed, "Christ is Risen!" from our front steps to our community this week.
I am grateful for the children and college students who play and laugh together on our church's front lawn each weekday afternoon.
I am thankful for our church family who plays in the dirt and helps make our campus beautiful with flowers too many to name.
I am thankful for efforts to support the United Christian Ministries, Homebase at WCU, and literacy among the children in our After School Ministry.
I am thankful for our church sanctuary's simple beauty and rich history.
I am grateful for men who build ramps for those who would otherwise have difficulty getting in and out of their homes.
I am thankful for the long-distance views of forested mountainsides and tucked-away coves.
I am grateful for the wisdom of parents, grandparents, seniors, and elders as they have seen and experienced more life than I have.
I am grateful for those who want to share their lives and are willing to be on the path of transformation.
I am thankful for those who manage the technical elements involved in our church worship offerings.
I am thankful for the Pastoral Care Team and their countless notes, text messages, phone calls, and visits to our church and community.
I am grateful for our recent trip to Holguin, Cuba, and our partnership with Pastor Ernesto and Kerygma Baptist Church.
I am thankful for church leaders who serve and volunteer in unseen ways to improve and strengthen our church and community.
I am grateful for the friendly faces and the warmth of familiar strangers on Main Street and Bridge Park.
I am thankful for growing Sunday School Classes.
I am grateful for the men who will host our upcoming Men's Breakfast.
I am thankful for the rain, tumbling creeks, and waterfalls in our mountains.
I am thankful for the melody of fellowship when we pass the peace of Christ in our worship service.
I am thankful for individuals who are generous with their time, energy, and resources.
I am grateful for a church that gives others the benefit of the doubt.
I am thankful for the warmth of holding the hand of someone experiencing a season of grief in their life.
I am grateful for a church that practices forgiveness, patience, mercy, and grace.
I am thankful for coffee.
I am grateful for youth retreats, egg hunts, and children who visit our church's homebound families.
I am thankful to learn how our church members are forming new friendships with one another over lunch, at the movies, and local conferences.
I am grateful when guests report how they experienced hospitality, kindness, and love when worshipping with us.
I am thankful for technology that has enabled us to broaden our reach.
I am thankful for our servant leaders who work tirelessly behind the scenes to fix commodes, manage finances, decorate the church sanctuary, hold weighty questions, prepare meals for baseball teams, and ask: "How can I help?"
I am grateful for the passion and energy I see among our church family to do justice, love kindness, and walk humbly with God daily.
I am thankful for the old courthouse--now a library, presiding on a hill set against a glorious blue sky.
I am grateful for a church staff who serves and leads with faithfulness and good cheer.
These are but a few of the things I am grateful for today. What does your list look like?