Head in the Clouds

Retreat. What does that word mean to you? For some it means backing down, running away, living to fight another day. To others it may be seen as a strategic maneuver; a way to regroup and recharge. However, you view this word, it need not be seen as a negative. Sometimes a “retreat” is exactly what we need. A retreat can also be a break from the everyday world to spend time in reflection, prayer, Bible Study and fellowship with like minded believers. These retreats help us to continue the fight as we follow our Lord into our battlefields in the world.  They give us a chance to recharge pout batteries.  Think of a place where you sense God’s presence strongly. It could be outside somewhere, it could be a room in your house that is quiet and peaceful.  The youth recently went away for just such a retreat. We spent time away from everyday life in a place where we could refocus and spend time with God and each other. Everyone has these places. It could be a place of great religious significance. Jesus found this kind of quiet in solitude, away from the crowds that followed him, and he took time to regroup when he needed it. (Mark 1:35) He advocated taking time alone for prayer.  (Matthew 6:5-8) How often, in our busy lives, do we take time to go to a “solitary place” to pray? 

One of the places that has filled that need for me is the meadow at the top of Winespring Bald. Rarely have I met anyone else up there.  The top of Wayah is always occupied, and usually by several people, but Winespring is very often empty. I park my vehicle, lower the tailgate and just sit and listen to the wind in the trees, the birds chirping and take in God’s creation.  As I sit quietly, I listen for His voice among the soft whispers of nature. I don’t go there to petition Him or ask for favors. I go there to listen to His voice. In the stillness around me, I can hear Him. His voice is calming. His love is evident and I am refreshed by the time I spend in His presence. 

In our busy lives, we need those places.  We need those moments of peaceful communion with God. If we listen, He will speak. Too often when we pray we are so caught up in what we want to say to Him that we forget He wants to speak to us too.  Take some time this week in your “solitary place” to listen to God’s voice. Retreat from your everyday life for a little while and let God speak. Find a place of solitude where you can listen to His voice and feel His love wrap around you!