Choir Presents Songs of Joy

This Sunday, 12/17, the Sanctuary Choir will present it’s annual special Christmas music program for the 10:30 AM worship hour.  This is a tradition that has been in place long before I began in 1983, and it seems that there is always a surge of energy and excitement for this project.  And, well there should be!  We have the opportunity to express our joy concerning the wondrous event that changed the history of the world, forever.

Christmas is a season that seems to provide special memories for everyone.  Families share time together more during this time, than any other time of the year.  It is the season of giving and receiving, and people sharing stories and “catching up” around the table, or in the den.  We need this time of connection to our loved ones, and our friends.  Our human condition is nourished by the presence and affirmation of others we value and care about.

This special music offering comes rather close to the October 15th celebration of Homecoming, but I found that the choir was ready for the challenge, and faced the task with enthusiasm.  How can we consider the birth of Christ, and not be excited.  For our organist, Lorie, this program has special meaning, as we are singing a beautiful new anthem which she has provided in memory of Norman.  He loved Christmas expressions in music, and she chose  “See, Amid the Winter’s Snow” by South Carolina composer, Dan Forrest for that reason.

Other selections you will hear include the expressions by shepherds and angels, in settings of familiar Scriptures and exclamations of joy.  Our regular choir members will be joined by two WCU music students (in addition to Daney), a member of the community chorus, and a former choir member.  Maddie and Ellen will join us for the last number, and we will have flute and two percussionists accompanying our selections, in addition to piano and organ.  I am so thankful for the faithfulness of the people working in the music ministry here.

I know that you will be blessed by the message you hear through the text and the music on Sunday.  Call some  friends and  invite them to this special annual service.

Merry Christmas!  Bob