1st Explorers After-School Ministry Update

See what a busy schedule 1st Explorers had last week:

Monday:  Cheryl Beck continued her Chapel series of “Children in the Bible”, telling the story of the disciples turning the children and their parents away and Jesus inviting the children to come to Him.  Then there was lots of playtime outside with some indoor games at the end of the day.

Tuesday:  Emily Taylor led the children in making aluminum foil boats which they tested to see how many pennies it took to sink the boat.  The lesson being that the weight distribution of the pennies and the shape of the boat determined which boats sank.

Wednesday:  At GAs, Sandi Allen presented Madison Rooney with a handmade quilt in honor of her graduating GAs and moving on to Acteens soon.  Dr. Jeff Mathis spent time in RAs sharing that in order for them to be effective ambassadors for Christ, they need to know about Jesus’ life, His ministry, and His love.

Thursday:  Thanks to Chris Moore for arranging a visit from Smokey the Bear and the NC Forest Service.  1st Explorers listened attentively as the foresters shared information about fire safety and the important work they do. They explained the equipment on their trucks and even let the children spray one of their very powerful water hoses.

Friday:  Christmas play practice was the order of the day led by Marina Hunley-Graham, assisted by Tom Graham on the piano.