1st Explorers Update

“Missionary Work” was the theme for 1st Explorers this week.  One of the staff members, Sydney Spivey, reached out to her friends who are missionaries in Toyko, Japan, and they sent 1st Explorers a video about their work overseas.  RAs and GAs were combined on Wednesday to make a handprint craft for the FBC Mission Team to take to our sister church in Cuba.  Chapel speakers talked about being a missionary where you are.  Reverend Blake Daniel from Sylva Presbyterian Church was welcomed as a once a month Chapel  speaker.  Emily and Mike Taylor came for science on Tuesday and the 1st Explorers continued to learn about aerodynamics.

Thanks to the First United Methodist Church for the use of their all-purpose room on Friday.  The staff and students are so grateful to have a large indoor area to play on Fridays!

Emily and Mike came for science on Tuesday and we continued learning about aerodynamics.

Sydney reached out to her friends, who are missionaries in Tokyo, Japan, and they sent 1st Explorers a video sharing about their missionary work overseas.

Friday we used the gym at the FUMC. The staff and students are so grateful to have a large indoor area to play on Fridays!

Mrs. Jessica came for Chapel on Thursday.