Mission Moment 9.28.22

Angel Pitman | Miami, Florida

Angel Pittman is a Cooperative Baptist Fellowship field personnel serving in Miami, Florida, as an educational advocate.

Angel, a former educator, has served in educational ministries for over 20 years, including 15 years at the CBF partner ministry, Touching Miami with Love. She and her family live and serve in the community of Overtown, a historic African-American neighborhood with a median household income of $19,558. Of the 21 neighborhoods in Miami, Overtown ranks within the lowest percent of populations with low education with only 45 percent of adults earning a high school diploma. Children from under-resourced communities like Overtown struggle with higher rates of untreated trauma, disproportional biases in the school setting, and lack of learning supports that impede their success and continue the cycle of poverty.

Angel seeks to impact educational inequities by supporting, resourcing and advocating alongside low-income parents of special needs children by promoting impactful church and public-school partnerships, and by advocating on behalf of public school children on a local, state and national level and building capacity for children’s advocacy work.

Angel also supports other CBF field personnel through enhancing educational ministries, encouraging the implementation of proven sustainability models for educational-focused ministries and developing resources for the CBF network.
