1st Explorers Update

What a great week 1st Explorers enjoyed last week as they learned about sportsmanship and teamwork! Special guests included Dr. Bob Holquist who talked about teamwork in band and choral groups, a construction management major from WCU who shared how important it is that people work well together when building, and 3 offensive linemen and 3 cheerleaders from WCU who stressed the importance of having a good attitude to successful teamwork. On Friday afternoon, the gridiron players enjoyed a game of touch football with the children while the cheerleaders worked with the kids on lifts and cheering.

Also last week, Emily Taylor helped the younger children press leaves for window decorations while the older kids learned about the importance of breakfast and made their own breakfast pizza in a class led by the NC Cooperative Extension agents Emily McClure and Heather Gordon.

Thank you to Gaye Buchanan and Charlie White for manning the check-in and check-out on Thursday and Friday. Kudos to Diane White for sending her awesome snack mix!

We welcome others from FBC who are willing to share some time or skill with the group. We could especially use some help at the back door during the first part of the week. Contact Cheryl Beck at cabeck@ncsu.edu for more information.