1st Explorers Update: October 10-19

“Harvest” was the theme for 1st Explorers last week.  The children heard the story of Ruth and her courage in going to Boaz’s fields to harvest barley to kick off the week.  They enjoyed a nature walk to Bicentennial Park, collecting items along the way to fill their egg cartons (thanks again for the cartons!).  

The children are enjoying watching their herb gardens grow and keeping them in sunlight and watered well.  Thanks to Emily and Mike Taylor for help with this project.

On Thursday, Curtis Collins from the Jackson County Department of Public Health, met with the boys to talk about strategies for dealing with anger and “bad” days.  He returned on Friday to lead all the 1st Explorers in yoga—a great stress reliever.

October 17-19 was a short week but packed with lots of activities.  “Hobbies” was the theme of the week and several FBC folks shared theirs.  On Monday, Jennie Hunter demonstrated how to make one of her beautiful flower arrangements using whatever natural materials are at hand.  Andrew Beck displayed some of his artwork and photographs.  Others who shared their hobbies (and volunteered) during the week were Linda and Jimmie Stewart, Beverly Midgett, Emily Taylor, and Cindy Kolb (who was there the entire week and helped the children decorate a pumpkin turkey.  A big “thank you” to Tonya Lloyd for doing check-in and check-out each day and to Cliff Kolb for assisting.

The Cooperative Extension office began a 6-week cooking class with 4th-7th graders on Tuesday.

1st Explorers is truly a ministry of our church and the interaction of these volunteers with the children in our care proves this!  Thank you to church volunteers Gaye Buchanan and Charlie White for help with check-in and check-out at the end of the week!

Check with Cheryl Beck (cabeck@ncsu.edu) for other ways to connect with this ministry.