First Explorers After-School Report

After learning more about friendship last week (did know that the word "friend" was mentioned 49 times in the Bible?), 1st Explorers are focusing on safety for week 4 of After School. With special guests, a home safety quiz, and room hazard hunt, the children are learning more about how they and their families can be safer at home.

The children and staff of 1st Explorers are grateful to the hard work Harold Messer and John Dills did on Labor Day and throughout last week to make cold water and ice readily available in the downstairs kitchen, repair of a faulty outlet, and general maintenance of the facility. Thank you so much!

Also, a shout-out to the custodial staff for the excellent job they are doing cleaning the 1st Explorers area. Thank you!

If you would like to have a part in this ministry to children, there are some things you can do to help. An immediate need is for volunteers to man the check-in and check-out station at the back of the church, from 2:55 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. each day. We appreciate Charlie White for helping man the door on Fridays and for the others he has recruited to help on that day.

Check with Cheryl Beck ( for other ways to connect with this ministry.