We appreciate the prayers and support of our church for this vital ministry we provide for the children and families in our community. Some folks went the extra mile last week and gave of their time or resources to help things run smoothly. Thanks to Gaye Buchanan, Chris Moore, Othello Crawford, Glenda and John Dills, and Janet Ford for all their help.
You can help with First Explorers. Here are some needs we have right now:
Church van driver available from 2:15 pm to 3:15 pm
Chapel presenters to prepare 10-15 minute Bible story, devotional at 3:45 p.m.
Musicians who might share their wonderful talents as a Chapel experience or mini concert
Readers or storytellers
People to share a hobby, craft, or skill
Healthy snacks
Board games that children would enjoy
Please contact Cheryl Beck (cabeck@ncsu.edu) if you would like to serve.