Crowdsourcing the Kingdom

I am pleased to announce that we have a new church directory in the works! It has a peculiar name—that is, Instant Church Directory.

However, I prefer the phrase Interactive Church Directory because technology enables us to have a dynamic—rather than static—tool to help us stay connected to one another.

Who among us cannot recall the church directories of our youth? For those who remember the 20th century, church directories involved much-advanced planning. Like a yearbook class in high school, church directories demanded committees and subcommittees. There were long conversations with representatives of the publishing company. Individuals would pour over church member contact information to get them right, while others managed ministry descriptions and photos. And then, we had to schedule everyone for family pictures, which elicited both delight and dread.

Months later, the directory would be unveiled and distributed after worship one Sunday (which inevitably would be a 'high attendance' day) with the same zeal and enthusiasm as receiving your yearbook at the end of 6th-period chemistry.

Ah, the 20th Century.

Suffice it to say, the 21st century has endowed us with tools to enjoy the benefits of an old church directory while enabling us to use it as a mechanism for further engagement in ministry.

So, while it may feel like we have an Instant Church Directory (just add water and stir!), the truth is that we now have a way for you to make our directory meaningful from the comfort of your couch or lawn chair. But more than that, your participation in our church directory project will make our church family more accessible and our information more accurate.

Here’s how it works:

The contact information that we have for you has already been uploaded to our online directory!

  • We have done most of the work for you! Your name, address, email addresses, phone numbers, and birthdays all have a home online.

Using the email address that the church has on record for you, you can access the online church directory in the following ways:

  • Click on 'Member Sign In.' Once on this page, click 'First Time Signing In' and follow the directions.

  • You can also download a free mobile app from the Apple App Store on iTunes, Google Play, or Amazon Fire Store. Search for Instant Church Directory to get the free download.

Once online through a web-browser or the free app, you’ll see our church directory’s cover page!

  • Search for your family and see if the information we have entered for you is correct. If it isn't, you can maneuver to the 'Menu' at the top left of the first page and click on 'Edit My Family.'

  • Once you've clicked on the 'Edit My Family' from the menu's drop-down tool, you can add/ change whatever information needs amending! It even lets you put in your anniversary date (just ensure you get the date right, men).

You can even upload the picture of your choice!

  • From within the 'Edit My Family' section, you can submit whichever photo you'd like of your family. If you want to upload a casual picture, you may! If you want to insert your prom photo from 1971, you can do that also! If you want to edit a family photo to darken your graying hair, you're free to do that, too. Heck, you can change your picture each day of the week (okay, maybe not quite that often as we have to approve each change administratively)!

By allowing you to participate in our online church directory experience, it will make it possible for us to have accurate information at our fingertips at all times.

  • Our data changes. All the time. But our online church directory allows us to update our information so that everyone can get to it when they need it.

  • The church office will no longer be the only entity with accurate information. You can access phone numbers, email addresses, birthdays, and more whenever and wherever you'd like.

  • So, when you want to call, text, or email someone from our directory, you can look them up by name/ photo and click on the information on their 'membership card' to communicate with them. No more copying/pasting or misremembering information!

We know you have questions. We have some answers.

  • Yes, once everyone has had the chance to upload a photo and fine-tune their information, you will be able to print out a hard copy of the directory if you would like.

  • Yes, we'll be able to organize ourselves by the groups we are involved in—like the choir, Sunday School classes, Mission Circles, etc.—and communicate seamlessly with one another.

  • Yes, more information—like ministry pages and staff photos—will be added in time. Think of it as a church directory work in progress.

  • Speaking of a work in progress, please know that like any church directory, ours will be incomplete as members' and attendees' engagement often varies. We want as many people involved in our church as possible! If your information is not yet listed, please reach out to us so we can get you in our system as we 'crowdsource' our directory.

  • And yes, Janice Trull—our office assistant—is ready to answer your other questions and help you get set up. You can email her at or call her at 828-586-2095.

The church should be accessible. As you may know, church members are eligible to receive a key card to get access to our church whenever they wish. And now, church members can access one another's contact information. We will work better when we all have access to one another.

Having a church directory in our pocket may give us 'instant' contact with one another. Let's aim for more than just instantaneous connection, however. Let's choose to interact as brothers and sisters in Christ when we do.