Mission Moment 4.27.22

Brittany and Casey  |  China

Brittany and Casey are Cooperative Baptist Fellowship field personnel appointed to come alongside the Christian Church in China. 

Over the past 10 years, CBF has cultivated beloved community and partnerships with Chinese churches and church leaders.

Christianity is growing so quickly in China that there is a large gap in the number of trained pastors/lay leaders and the number of people seeking to grow in understanding of the Gospel.  

Brittany and Casey are living in a growing city to cultivate beloved community locally and globally. As they learn Mandarin Chinese, they are investing in a long-term commitment to the ongoing relationships. As they acquire a deeper understanding of the needs around them, they are able to better partner with Chinese Christians and engage CBF churches with what God is doing in China.

Learn more at www.cbf.net/brittanycasey.