
by Dr. Jeff Mathis

Yes, a five-day forecast is helpful when we need to know what the weather will hold for mid-week or heading into the weekend. But when we need to look farther out, we need a forecast that sees beyond the horizon.

We'll call it, the FutureCast.

As we move deeper into the spring and away from the fog of the omicron variant, you'll notice a trend. Namely, we hope to gather more frequently. Engagement and fellowship will shape our church's plans for the next couple of months.

Here's a thumbnail sketch of what we can expect:

Opportunities for Table Fellowship Will Increase

Our Mission and Fellowship Center was quiet and under-utilized for an extended period because of the pandemic. However, the changing climate will find us back in a familiar space more frequently. Be sure you have these events on your calendar:

Sylva First Wednesday is on April 6

-Just as we have been these last months, bring a dinner offering that will feed your family and a couple of others to the MFC at 5:15 PM. We'll have table fellowship beginning at 5:30 PM, and we'll continue watching the series about Jesus's life and ministry, The Chosen, beginning at 6:00 PM.

Communion on Maundy Thursday will be Thursday, April 14

-Jesus gathered with his friends for a Passover meal on the eve of his Passion. You and your family are invited to join us in the Mission and Fellowship Center with a dinner offering to share as we commemorate Jesus's time with his friends. We will have a meaningful time of remembrance and communion around the dinner tables beginning at 6:00 PM in the spirit of Jesus's gathering with his friends.

Church Conference & Note-Burning Celebration will be Sunday, April 24

-Bring a potluck offering with you when you come to Sunday School on the 24th so that we can have lunch together after worship. We'll hear reports about the church's work, and we'll formally approve church leadership for the new year. But the headlining moment will occur when we officially retire the debt that we've paid off on our Mission and Fellowship Center.

Sunshine and Flowers Will Inaugurate Easter Sunday

Our Easter Sunday Celebration will begin at sunrise on April 17 and conclude with an Easter Egg Hunt for our children after worship. Be sure to invite family and friends to join us for an entire morning of joyous worship and fellowship!

Sunrise Service at Bridge Park on Sunday, April 17 at 7:00 AM

-We'll gather with our friends from the Methodist and Presbyterian churches at the pavilion in Bridge Park for a Sunrise Service. Please bring a lawn chair and a jacket as we hear the story about the empty tomb at first light on Easter Sunday. A light breakfast of muffins, juice, and coffee will round out our time together at the park.

Easter Sunday Worship & Easter Egg Hunt at 10:30 AM

-Arrive at church a few minutes before Sunday School to help decorate our cross with freshly cut flowers and greenery from your backyard. Our celebration of the Risen Christ will commence at 10:30 AM, and our children will hunt for eggs in the playground immediately after worship.

Spring is a Time to Sow Seeds for the Growing Season

In May and throughout the season of Easter, we will be preparing in earnest for events that will transpire later in the year. We'll have special seminars for adults, a report from missionaries to Ukraine, activities for youth and children, celebrations that involve our Pen Pal Project, and preparations for summer mission trips and activities.

Just as it is with the FutureCast products that our local meteorologists produce, our look at what's on the horizon will likely shift and move a bit. But broadly speaking, we can see what's upstream. And without a doubt, what's coming our way is good.